This is the Voice for the voiceless
My twenty one years of life ended violently in just twenty one days after I was born, in your criminal hands. You grabbed and dragged me away from my mom the moment I hit the ground before she could even touch me. You threw me around like I am a piece of trash and confined me to such a small space that I could not even walk few steps or turn around. When my mom tried to run back to my rescue you terrorized her, beat her viciously, chased her away and confined her to such a small place she could not even move few steps and turn around, forced to stand in her own excrement.
You stole my milk, starved me for days hoping that you can force feed me with your formula feed. Then after just few days you tied a red ribbon around my neck when I hoped you will let me go back to my mom. Instead, you BLOUDGENED ME TO DEATH. You processed my flesh and body parts and sold me to the unsuspecting consumers as tender ham in ‘neat packages’.
You injected my mom with harmful fattening hormones, antibiotics and chemicals which she did not need and did not want and forcibly inseminated her every year so you can get more of baby calves to kill and also milk her ten to twelve hours a day by hooking her to machines and not even letting her to move around. When she could not get pregnant any more you SLAUGHTERED HER and sold her flesh. You even branded some of her body parts as ‘delicacies’.
(please click on the Blog, Gallery and All lives matter links at the TOP).
You violated every law and committed every crime by kidnapping me from my mom, stealing my birth given right to feed on my mom’s milk , you starved me, held me hostage in a confined space, tortured me and murdered me only three weeks after I was born. I had a right to live 20 to 30 years, running around and grazing freely in the open fields in the loving company of my mom cow helping to balance the Ecology which is essential for you to survive the fullest extent of your life. I want to run on the fields freely just like your pet dogs run in the parks. I don’t even want your ‘processed ‘treats. I feed on the healthy grass my Mother Nature provides me, not on the processed corn, hormones, chemicals you throw at us to fatten us up so you can get more meat out of our slaughter.I want to bond with my mom like your kids bond with their mom.
You stood on our necks and broke our necks forcibly trying to brand our faces. For no reason you electrocuted us repeatedly and when we cried with pain you beat us to death. You sexually assaulted my mom repeatedly and impregnated her repeatedly against her wishes. And when she could not get pregnant anymore because you pushed her beyond her biological limits you mercilessly slaughtered her to make your dirty money. These are premeditated, aggravated crimes for which you should get death sentence or life without parole.
Every year 65 billion animals are raised and slaughtered for their meat. That’s nine animals for every person on Earth. All these animals are held 'hostages' from the time they are born until they are mercilessly slaughtered by you. This is no different from SLAVERY, HOLOCAUST, ISOL AND ISIS CRIMES.
You protest the Chinese for their dog meat farms and for killing the dogs and puppies. I admire your concern for the dogs. But you turn around and slaughter us and butcher us and sell our flesh like the Chinese do with their dog meat. Why is this hypocrisy on your part? You will treat your dogs as your family which I admire but torture us and slaughter us as if we are not another form of life. This writer of my story loves his dogs but he also loves his cows and calves and all other animals.
You lie to the unsuspecting consumers that we do not feel pain, do not have any feelings and emotions and we are created just to please your greedy, unethical, immoral business life.
Who are you? Really a human being, the highest intelligent species on this green planet whom God and Nature has created and trusted with protecting all other forms of life who in turn are spending their life time to balance the Ecology of the Earth on which you are living and which you need to survive to the fullest extent of your life.
Are you a serial killer who killed animals while even you were growing up?
Are you a wife beater, kidnapper, molester or a rapist? Your family is victim of domestic violence. You need help. You seek help now.
Are you a criminal, undocumented worker in the U.S. who came from any part of the world (Not just from Mexico) who is willing to do inhuman, dirty jobs for less than minimum wages so you can hide from the ICE? Go and work on the agriculture farms where you don't have to kill, torture and slaughter and help nurture the trees and plants.
Are you a good for nothing, untrained lazy body that is doing this dirty work to make few bucks to feed yourself or to support your drug habit? You can redeem yourself by training for an honest and honorable job.
No decent, conscientious, self-respecting American nor any other decent human being will do this inhuman work.
You are making less than minimum wages but you are making your unconscionable, unethical, immoral, selfish,illegal and greedy farm employers richer with the dirty money because they are hiding you from deportation by the ICE on their “illegal worker sanctuaries”. They are committing crimes by circumventing and violating the laws that protect us. The special interest groups, their lobbyists and some of the compromised carrier politicians have colluded for their selfish and greedy reasons. These politicians who are trusted with passing the laws that protect the consumer, environment and all forms of life are instead helping these criminals to get richer and richer with this dirty money. And these criminals are escaping prosecution and prison time.
None of You are human because you do not have a soul. You can not be compared with even an animal because even the worst predator animal will not kill an orphaned baby of its own species or other species. There are thousands of documented instances where they actually took them under their wings and raised them.
The forefathers of our country who wrote our Constitution assured everyone the right to live, right to live freely without discrimination, exploitation and coercion to the fullest extent of their lives. The Constitution DID NOT exclude the farm animals or any other animals from this protection.All lives matter only when all animal lives matter.
Many animal farms quietly settled to pay millions of dollars in penalties for altering the ages of their farm cows so they can slaughter them many years earlier when they are still young so they can make huge profits by producing and exporting massive amounts of meat not just within the United States but too many other countries like Japan.
Listen up Animal Farm owners and farm workers: I challenge you to Bring your kids to your work place like the other parents do. Show your kids the reality and the truth behind your greedy; money making farm animal slaughter machines so they can decide for themselves whether these are the ‘so called foods’ they want to eat or do they want adapt healthy food choices. After seeing what you do they may decide to disown you as their parents, sensitive kids may end up in therapy for the rest of their lives OR if they have got one of your evil genes, you have just showed them the way to become a potential serial killer?
You never suffered any consequences of your openly committed crimes. In Fact you received incentives and subsidies from agencies like USDA encouraging you to perpetuate your crimes on and on. USDA and its employees are funded by the tax payer. But why is the USDA protecting the criminals by turning the other way, by not investigating the crimes and by shutting down the USDA website where consumers could find the registry of farm crimes and their partners in crime. (See PETA suing the USDA, and Farm sanctuary’s scathing expose of the USDA further down and in the Blog section).
Imagine a higher form of intelligence from outer space invading our planet, kidnap you and your children and subject you to the same cruelty and violence you are subjecting the voiceless, helpless and peaceful animals like us every day.
Separating the Calves from cows as soon as they are born, stealing their milk(it is not meant for human species!) and killing them three weeks after they are born must stop now. 'This is sick'. It is degrading to the human spirit and our core values.
Killing them to steal their milk and to produce excess milk to donate to special groups is 'stupid, moronic and sick'. Donate Non-dairy milk to your special groups. Cheeses, meats are already being produced from plant based sources. These have great taste and better nutritional and aesthetic value and help prevent all chronic diseases.
The greedy farm industry and dairy farms have been fooling and deceiving the consumers for decades brainwashing them to believe that meat and milk are the only source of protein without which human race cannot survive. Nothing is farther from the truth than this greedy sales pitch of theirs. Remember how the Tobacco industry got many millions of people around the world addicted to Cigarettes and other tobacco products, for their own profit? These same animal farms are intimidating the producers of non dairy milk and plant based non-flesh meats with threats of law suits and false claims that only they can use the term milk and meats.
They deserve prosecution and convictions to the fullest extent of Law and of course they deserve to burn in hell. These farms also deserve regular raids by the ICE to weed out the criminals who are doing this dirty work for the benefit of hiding on these farms from the ICE.
The current laws may be weak and may have loop holes to be used by the greedy attorneys who are well paid by these corrupt farm owners. Legislatures and law makers must pass new stringent laws to protect the innocent, voiceless animals who strive for their entire life to protect the Ecology for our essential existence. Failure to do so is great travesty of justice, insult to humanity and our core values.
Nature and Nurture:There are abundant high biological value protein sources and healthy fats and complex carbohydrates in the plant based foods. Mother Nature on this Green planet provided us with plenty of plant foods we need to nourish and thrive on. See resources at the end.
You cannot visit the slaughter houses, dairy farms and meat processing facilities because the owners do not want you to see or know all the inhuman and illegal activities that go on their killing fields. But you can watch many videos that the whistleblowers have recorded risking their own lives, on the You Tube and other Resources acknowledged at the end of this page. God Bless all the whistle blowers who were able to expose even a tiny fraction of these crimes and horrific and horrible ways these neatly packed milk and meats you buy on the shelves are processed on these killer farms.
Red meats: are responsible for chronic degenerative diseases, chronic inflammation, cancers, cardiovascular and cardio metabolic diseases like morbid obesity, Diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, dementias and multi organ Cancers, just to name a few.
The National Cancer Institute reported that there has been an alarming increase of colon and rectal cancers in Millennials and Generation X adults in the U.S. Rates of these cancers are increasing by 3 percent a year in 20-30 year olds and 2 percent per year among the 40 to 54 year old age groups. These are attributed to high red meat and low fiber diets.
Meat the facts!
Every year 65 billion animals are raised and slaughtered for their meat. That’s nine animals for every person on Earth. The damage we are doing by livestock farming to the planet is unconscionable, inhuman, and irreparable and must be stopped for our own good and survival. Livestock have a massive impact on the environment. Nearly a third of the planet’s ice-free land surface is devoted to raising the animals we either eat or milk. Thirty percent of the crops we grow are fed to animals.
Animal Equality:Have you ever wondered what's behind each glass of milk?
Just like humans, a mother cow only produces milk after being impregnated and giving birth. But on factory farms her babies will be taken away just moments later so that her milk can be sold to humans.
Male calves will be sent to the slaughterhouse at just 15 days of age and the females will follow in her mother's miserable footsteps and treated like a machine of the dairy industry.
Cows will have their horns brutally cut out without anesthesia and will be burned with an iron held over live fire, causing them terrible suffering.
This is repeated generation after generation, perpetuating the abuse of mothers and offspring who are trapped in the cruel dairy industry.
After four years of near non-stop pregnancy, suffering the traumatic separation of their calves and subsequent industrial milking, the cows will end up in the slaughterhouse.
Please share this important information on Facebook and Twitter, and consider replacing cow's milk with plant-based alternatives ( soy, almond, cashew, hemp-milks) which will help end this cycle of abuse.
together we can end animal cruelty!
How safe is eating meat? The UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimates suggest that livestock are responsible for 14.5 percent of man-made greenhouse gas emissions – the same amount produced by all the world’s cars, planes, trains and boats put together.
It is also predicted that meat production is going to double in the next 40 years. Can the planet cope with our ever increasing appetite for meat but destruction of our planet?
Vast, intensive farms—like the American feed yard, 50,000 cattle are fed a junk science designed diet of corn, antibiotics, hormones and other chemicals and are kept captive milking them 10-12 hours a day until they are mercilessly slaughtered. The feed yard claims that they are the solution to feed the millions of people produced by irresponsible and unchecked population. Ignorance is Bliss. They are responsible for a significant portion of the 14.5 percent of man-made greenhouse gas emissions – the same amount produced by all the world’s cars, planes, trains and boats put together.
It is ironic that Governor Perry has done a marvelous job in harnessing all the natural sources of energy in Texas and deservedly earned the position of the secretary of Energy but the same state is responsible for production of significant greenhouse gas emissions from many cattle farms and dairy farms! Some one should bring it to the attention of Governor Perry. We are sure that the good governor will do every thing in his power to correct this anomaly by abolishing these killer farms and promoting Green revolution not only in his state but across the entire country exercising his power as the secretary of Energy.
Is it possible to be an Eco-friendly carnivore? A return to more traditional farming methods, a more efficient use of our food waste and cutting back heavily on personal consumption of meat and adapting healthy plant based nutrition which our Green planet abundantly provides us could mean small amounts of meat for everyone who are in the process of weaning from meat which in turn minimizes all health risks and the high cost of health care and saves our Green planet from extinction. Otherwise we are writing our own script for our own demise as we are burning our Green planet to a rubble on which no form of life could survive.
Message from Farm You think of cows as individual animals, not milk machines. But millions of mother cows are trapped in massive dairy operations living continuous cycles of impregnation, birth, and lactation. They are pushed beyond their biological limits and sent to slaughter after just a few years in production.
The dairy industry is producing tons more milk than consumers want, but instead of lessening production and subjecting fewer cows to lives of misery, industry lobbyists are requesting — and receiving — millions of dollars in taxpayer handouts.
If you don’t believe that taxpayers should fund the suffering of dairy cows and other animals, then tell the USDA to stop paying the dairy industry to overproduce milk.
It has always been hard to make farm animal protections a priority in Washington, DC, and agribusiness remains entrenched with the Administration. Farm Sanctuaries are preparing for the fight ahead, but we need you with us every step of the way.
Think of the millions of dairy cows who are being forcibly impregnated, over and over. Like other mammals, cows produce milk for their babies, but on dairy farms, the babies are taken away the moment they are born so their milk can be sold to human consumers and the calves are killed after few days to sell their meat as tender Ham. Spurred by government subsidies, the U.S. greedy, dairy industry is overproducing, and the surplus is purchased by the government and distributed through so-called nutrition programs and sometimes the excess milk is dumped in the gutter.
That surplus cheese is made from milk from cows like Diane who spent five years “producing” for the industry. One year she failed to get pregnant and was of no use to the dairy. Diane a Cow would have been sent to slaughter if not for a kindhearted individual who called Farm Sanctuary who adapted Diane.
The rowdy girl sanctuary turned their earlier profit making dairy farm into an animal saving and protecting sanctuary.
PETA: Earlier this month, animal-welfare records were removed from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) website. Included in the documents were inspection reports and records of commercial animal facilities, many of which had violated animal-welfare laws and regulations. The USDA has since attempted to get away with reposting only a tiny fraction of the records that it deleted, but PETA and the other plaintiffs in the pending lawsuit against the agency are not fooled or satisfied by this.
PETA regularly uses the documentation published in the USDA’s Animal Care Information System (ACIS) to identify animal-welfare violations and spotlight animal abusers. This information has proved vital for animal rights organizations and the public alike. With help from the ACIS, PETA has publicized infractions by commercial operations such as circuses, zoos, puppy mills, and laboratories that test on animals. To illustrate just how invaluable this information is, we looked back at some of the most momentous of these exposés over the years:
Schools, college campuses, work places, conscientious food caterers and most importantly the Fast Food Chains have a long way to go to provide their students and consumers education on healthy plant based foods and nutrition and to provide them with healthy food choices. CHEAP catering contracts should not be the only criterion when hiring caterers to provide HEALTHY, NUTRITIOUS FOOD to schools and colleges and your consumers.
Media, movie makers, documentaries, animation films, , school education, academia, NIH, Hollywood and Bollywood and all Govt. agencies overseeing animal farms should take a proactive role to preserve our Ecology in a healthy state for the essential existence of our many generations to come.
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Impossible burger
The Humane Society of the United states